That's it. . .
Right there. . .
the most beautiful man in THE WORLD!!
I am so happyy and smug me lovelys as I managed to get tickets to the free rage against the machine gig!! And i completely expirienced my first PROPER ragegasm! It is going to be insane unless I like die of a sex coma when rage come on
AHH its going to be amazing!
I don't really know what to say at the minute as I'm feeling ratherr shiite. It may just be hormones yanoo but its awful. I'm sick to fucking death with college and don't really know where I stand with anything and any one.
The course has sort of put me off working with animals in the future ithink but I just sorta don't know where to go from here :$ I've now become obsessed with the idea of helping farmers in mexico which would just be insane, but i think I doubt that would happen
God daymnit i need someone to teach me spanish!!
SO YEAH! i'm really wierd and sick of everythiiing. . .WHAT DO I DO??! (answers on a postcard purlease! )
Much loving xx